About Eileen Medina


Research Assistant, Department of Biomedical Engineering & Mechanics

Short Biography

Eileen Medina graduated from Northwestern University in 2022 with a Bachelor of Arts in Neuroscience and a minor in Statistics. During her undergraduate years, she was a recipient of a Northwestern Undergraduate Research Assistant Program grant. Eileen had the opportunity to present our research on electrotactile stimuli detection in older adults at the IEEE World Haptics Conference in Delft, Netherlands in 2023. Aside from her academic achievements, Eileen now works as a research assistant at our lab in Virginia Tech. In her free time, Eileen enjoys going to the movies, reading, and painting.

Research Interests

Within the RoSenCo Lab, she is focusing on the research areas of Detection Threshold during Muscle Activation in Individuals with Stroke.

Contact Information

Email: eileenmedina (at) vt.edu