Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Department of Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics 233 Norris Hall 495 Old Turner Street Blacksburg VA 24061
Lab Phone Number540-231-7482
Directions to Robotics and Sensorimotor Control LaboratoryDriving directions to and parking information on Virginia Tech can be found here. The Robotics and Sensorimotor Control Laboratory is located in Norris Hall (Figure 1). To reach our lab, we recommend taking the entrance to Norris Hall that is located off of Old Turner Street. Coming from Older Turner Street, go through the walkway tunnel (Figure 2a). The door to Norris Hall is the last one to the right (Figure 2b,c). Once inside Norris Hall, the lab entrance is the first door to the right after passing the stairwell (Figure 2d). Please reach out to the lab if directions for elevator access is needed as these instructions involve stairs.